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The mission of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation is to assist the professed Secular Franciscans as they reflect on their relationship with God as manifested in the fruits of conversion in their lives. This with special regard to the daily choices made in the areas of justice, peace making and respect for all created things and people; as brothers and sisters of penance, bringing life to the Gospel and the Gospel to Life.

Greetings, dear Family!  (This is from Carolyn Townes, OFS, National JPIC Animator)


I pray this finds you well and keeping safe in these still uncertain times. 


This is the formal and official invitation for our newest initiative - National Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Focus Groups. This initiative came out of the National JPIC Visioning Gathering this past May. It is a way for our brothers and sisters to gather together on certain topics - to learn, to glean, to grow, and to take action. The idea is for you to learn and grow, then to teach and share with your regional and fraternity family. 


While we are still somewhat confined to our homes, it is a perfect opportunity to meet on the Zoom platform to learn, discuss and move forward. Attached is the list and descriptions of the four focus groups. Please contact the facilitator of the group for further details.. 


Care for Creation - Michael Huck, OFS

Immigration - Donna Hollis, OFS

Mindful Dialogues - Carolyn Townes, OFS

Spirituality and Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation - Patricia Grace, OFS

Handbook for JPIC Animators

Project Oak Tree

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