Troubadours of Peace Region
Secular Franciscan Order of the
Pacific Northwest
Bound by the gospel of our Lord and our Rule of Life, we Secular Franciscans of the Troubadours of Peace Region, unify our presence to promote the reign of God. Believing that Jesus is present to us in the poor, the broken, and the disenfranchised; we are compelled to reach out and serve them. Together in prayers and works, we believe that we are truly a Franciscan Family seeking to deepen our sense of community by focusing our time, talents and resources with the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the greater good for all. We believe that all creatures are our sisters and brothers and are gifts from God the Father.
The Regional Fraternity of Troubadours of Peace is a union of all the local Fraternities officially established by the Directive Board of the National Fraternity in the given geographical area of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
The Troubadours of Peace region is administered and led by the Regional Council.
The Regional Council is composed of the Regional Executive Council and one or more representatives from each local Fraternity, one of whom should be the local Fraternity Minister. Meeting at least once a year, the Regional Council suggests and approves policies for the Troubadours of Peace Region.
Postal address
Troubadours of Peace Region
Secular Franciscan Order
Clare Reidy, OFS
Regional Minister